Friday, 3 February 2012


Hey, Im going to post a list of equipment that will be needed or may be helpful to complete sessions posted on here! The first item that is very helpful with many different programs is a stopwatch! They are good for use with interval training and core workouts! The next item is a good pair of running shoes, they should be in good condition, with grip and support as a fair amount of the workouts I post will be circuit or running/walking based! Next is space, for some of the workouts a gym will be required for bars, wall bars, and small dumbbells! However most can be adapted to be completed at home if you don't have access to any of this equipment! Recently I have been using a heart rate monitor made by Polar, I have never really got into using them before now but have found it useful because I'm able to measure the intensity I'm working at and therefore adjust my work rate to suit the Beats Per Minute range I am aiming for! Heart rate monitors are often not cheap, mine was around 100 British pounds. I bought it for my girlfriend however we now share it if training at different times so its kind of half the price! You can pick up basic models though for around 40-50 pounds!

I will be writing separate programs for home and gym use as well as running ones that can be done pretty much any where either on grass, road or running track if you are lucky enough to have access to one!

I may also write a more advanced core strength program if requested including exercises and drills for Planche, Flag, Handstand and other moves that are a lot harder! I am working on these at the moment so will have an idea of how long it takes to learn and get good at them. They look cool and are impressive, although they do have benefits other than just to show off to your friends!

I hope this helps and I can't wait to get started!

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