Tuesday, 31 January 2012


HELLO, as you can see from my profile my name is Richard. Im 23, living in Montreal, Canada and have lots of spare time on my hands where I intend on helping anyone who is interested in getting fit get fit!!

I HATE and I mean HATE spending hours and hours in the gym doing long sloggy cardio sessions as I know a lot of people do! So quite simply I don't! I believe you can achieve a good body and level of fitness from giving only 45minutes to 1 hour per day and being sensible with the types and amounts of food you eat! I know that it is possible to maintain a body fat level of around or below 10% where abs are visible from only an hour a day!

I know this from experience as I have spent the past 5 or so years training alongside a full time job and social life and managed to compete to a good level in UK athletics! Injury however seems to keep setting me back but this is all part of the sport, some people manage to never get injured and some people do no matter the precautions they take to prevent injuries!

I aim to provide updates and sessions on this blog that can be followed and changed to suit you and your lifestyle to help to improve your own fitness! I believe that everyone who is able bodied and has a bit of determination and will to persist can achieve good results, whether it be to drop fat, tone up, gain muscle or just improve their flexibility.

This brings me on to another subject that many people including myself neglect and that is indeed FLEXIBILITY!! How many people do you know who complain about being stiff and having sore backs?? I know it goes on because I used to always complain of a sore back! I have realised how important stretching is and how much of a difference it can make to everyday life! I now stretch every day for around 30minutes mainly while watching films or chatting to my girlfriend while she is checking emails or whatever! It is something that can be done where ever and takes little effort to do but I promise makes a huge difference! Before I started stretching properly everyday and not just when I trained it hurt to tie my shoe laces in the morning, now I have no pain and can place my hands flat on the floor with ease and even further where before this was impossible!

So basically in summary I want to use my time to aid anyone who wants help, please follow my blog, feel free to leave feedback, goals, questions and comments, my email is provided on my profile!

I will leave this for one week before I begin to post sessions, and I want to include stories and photos of yours and my own progress so please use my email address from my profile!

Thanks and I hope to see you here soon!


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